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We encourage everyone that works with us to give a call, so we set up a face-to-face meeting as soon as possible!
Trust is a top priority for us! We take our business very seriously. In order to build trust with our clients we always strive for clear and concise communication. We have found that face to face meetings often quell the fear of working with a business found on the internet.
What are you waiting for? Sell your mobile home today! We will buy your mobile home in 24 hours our less! We make fast and fair cash offers for your mobile home!
Even if you’re not ready to sell or need advice on how to sell your home, we can help!
If you have questions about…
- Our all-cash offer timeline for your mobile home
- Our stop repossession in Summerville
- Our company or any other questions!
Please, do not hesitate to reach out! We want to answer any and all of your questions.
Check out the story of us here!
Chat with you soon!
Contact Info:
Holy City Mobile Homes
Summerville, South Carolina 29486
(843) 410-3050
5 Ways To Stop or Avoid Repossession In Today’s Market – FREE Guide:
Need more information on the repossession process and How To Stop Repossession? Download our FREE Stop Repossession Guide here. Or, you can always feel free to Contact us anytime if you have questions, want a no hassle Situation Evaluation, or want to just learn more about how we can help mobile homeowners avoid repossession or sell unwanted properties for cash.